Sunday, August 2, 2009

Emerald Forest

by Hazel (age 9)
Ferns so green on the ground,
Birds sing a musical sound,
Trees stretching high,
Going to the sky,
Beautiful forest around me,
Like a green emerald sea.

Dappled Shade

by Hazel and Angela
Light cascade,
To dappled shade,
Trees above,
A living ceiling,
So majestic,
Am I dreaming?
Song birds rest,
In tree tops high,
Nature's melody,
Into the sky


by Hazel and Angela
Charging, chasing,
Heart a racing,
Dashing through,
Thick undergrowth.
Coyote closing,
On my trail,
I must run.


by Hazel and Angela
Charging, chasing,
My heart racing,
Dashing forward,
To the end,
Now I'm sprinting,
Trophy glinting,
I am going to win

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Aeroplane

I'm going to make an aeroplane,
I know just how to do it,
I'll fold up a gigantic map,
And glue a cushion to it.

I'll sit on my seat so soft,
Dad will launch me into the sky,
I'll zoom right up to waiting clouds,
I'm not scared of flying high.

If by chance I get lost,
I can check the map,
Wave to all the pretty birds,
And give my arms a flap.

When at last I get home,
Mom will make sure I'm fed,
I'll tell them all about my flight,
Before I slip dreamily into bed.
by Angela